Philippines’ 6.35 Trillion Peso 2025 Budget: Key Details

The Philippine government has proposed a national budget of 6.35 trillion pesos for 2025, a significant increase from the previous year’s budget. This budget is designed to address key areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. The House of Representatives aims to finalize and approve this budget by September 25, 2024, with discussions set to begin on September 16, 2024.

Overview of the 2025 National Budget

The proposed budget for 2025 is 6.35 trillion pesos, which represents a 9% increase over the 2024 budget of 5.82 trillion pesos. This increase reflects the government’s commitment to improving economic conditions and investing in essential public services.

Education will receive 924.7 billion pesos in the proposed budget. This allocation is intended to enhance school infrastructure, provide better educational materials, and support teacher training programs. Key initiatives include the construction of new classrooms and the expansion of free higher education programs.

Healthcare is another major focus, with 352 billion pesos allocated for improvements in public health. This funding will be used to upgrade hospital facilities, strengthen the universal healthcare system, and procure necessary medical supplies and vaccines.

Infrastructure development will see an allocation of 1.2 trillion pesos. This will continue the “Build, Build, Build” program, with investments in road construction, bridge repair, and digital infrastructure to enhance internet access and speed.

Legislative Process for Budget Approval

The process for approving the national budget involves several key steps:

  1. Initial Proposals: Government departments submit their budget proposals early in the year.
  2. Committee Review: The House Appropriations Committee, led by Rep. Stella Quimbo, reviews and adjusts the proposals.
  3. Plenary Debates: Discussions on the budget are scheduled to start on September 16, 2024. During these debates, lawmakers will discuss various aspects of the budget, including sector priorities and economic implications.
  4. Urgency Certification: The president will certify the bill as urgent to expedite the approval process.
  5. Final Approval: The goal is to finalize and approve the budget by September 25, 2024.

The House Appropriations Committee plays a crucial role in this process by ensuring that the budget is well-balanced and effectively addresses the needs of the country. Rep. Stella Quimbo’s leadership is essential in guiding this review.

Implications of the Proposed Budget

The proposed budget aims to stimulate economic growth and address current challenges. By investing in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, the government intends to:

  • Improve Public Services: Enhanced educational facilities and healthcare services will benefit the population.
  • Boost Economic Growth: Infrastructure investments are expected to create jobs and stimulate economic activity.
  • Address Inflation: The budget includes measures to support businesses and control inflation, helping stabilize the economy.


The 6.35 trillion peso budget proposed for 2025 is a significant step towards improving the Philippines’ economic and social landscape. With a focus on education, healthcare, and infrastructure, the budget aims to drive growth and address key issues facing the country. The legislative process, starting with plenary debates on September 16, 2024, and aiming for final approval by September 25, 2024, will be crucial in shaping the future of the Philippines.

This proposed budget represents a substantial investment in the nation’s future, reflecting the government’s commitment to progress and development. As discussions continue, the successful approval and implementation of this budget will be vital for the country’s continued growth and stability.

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